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Thursday, July 12, 2012

observations on 116 YMWC Wooden Dummy

Charles AL

In the second picture of 116 Wooden Dummy *, the body turns side way to make room for the "arm pulling" LAP SAU. This appears to be a pull to the side rather than down since a clinch would be more effective pulling someone down. 

From 21-24 where PAK SAUs are performed**, the turn of the feet is minimal. Look closely and you will see that GM Yip Man turns the front foot slightly more than the back foot#. Compare pic 21 and 22. The right foot in 21 is aligned straight with the tile while the same foot in 22 shifts to an angle. In 23, the same foot returns to the position similar in 21.  
It ties back to the idea of "simplicity and practicality." Turning 45 degree is faster than turning 90 degrees. Just like punching in a 45 degree angle, the back foot doesn't turn as much as the front foot.
Secondly, think small. Minimal movement results in more powerful delivery, especially true in WC.
Why do we punch straight? Yes, it saves time and can be very efficient. Another reason for straight punch, however, is to make an explosion point. To make that possible, WC shortens the distance between you and the target; the shorter the more explosive of the power, but it never completely diminishes##.
Same goes to the movement of the feet, in which they move minimally when delivering the powerful PAK SAU.



# the back foot is the one that generates power, the front foot is the one that shifts. If you pak to the right, the right foot becomes the front foot and the left foot becomes the back foot, and vice versa.

## It's similar to the rate of diminishing returns in which the growth of gains become marginal never becomes 0. Also similar to f(x)=e^x in which on value of x can make e^x=0.  This is only a visual help if you don't know what I'm talking about in the above paragraphs.

ways of taking down an opponent

Charles Al

Ways of taking down an opponent, heard from derrick, modified by me. 

1. uproot them - make them fall
2. unbalance them - make them fall
3. tangle them - they make themselves fall
4. pain them w/raw power - when you are either hulk or Captain America