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Friday, December 24, 2010

Use what is natural: Kiyap

Kiyap.  It's that yell that Martial Arts people do when they strike.  Why do they do it?  What purpose does it fulfill? The kiyap has multiple interpretations and in this article I'll explain my reasoning for the kiyap.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Use what is natural: Running

Early humans ran their prey to death using a technique called persistence hunting. Click the link to read all about it. Nowadays I feel that the consensus is that most people are scared or intimidated by running a mile or two. It seems like a lot, but given your natural chemistry, you are born and built to run.

Don't believe me? Well, I was a non-believer before too.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Earn Your Ph. D in Martial Arts

The Goal

If your goal is to get a great career, then there are 2 paths you can take.  Some people will have you go to college so you can do those high paying jobs, like a Doctor, or an Engineer.  Some people have decent skills and just know the right people.  There was a System Admin who never got his Degree, yet he is one of the most sought after people.  His age? Mid-twenties.  Most people need to work a long time before they become that special.  Regardless of our path, the goal is still about the career you want and desire.  

Martial arts follow a similar chronological path: